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Pandani Bushwalking Club
EST. in 1992 and walking for pleasure ever since

Richea pandanifolia after which the club is named

Richea pandanifolia

Welcome to the Pandani Bushwalking Club

Join Pandani and enjoy Tasmania's natural wonders    

The Pandani Bushwalking Club organises walks and other activities in the southern Tasmania region and further afield on weekends  and weekdays all year round.

The emphasis is on bushwalking but there are also kayaking and other evens, including social activities held at various times of the year. Many club members are keen bush photographers and an annual photographic competition and exhibition is held each year.


The Pandani Bushwalking Club became a fully incorporated body on 19 June 1992. The club was formed primarily by people who had been through the Adult Education ‘Introduction to Bushwalking’ course in the late 1980s and who had continued to walk together as friends after completing the course.

The club’s declared objects and purposes were "To participate in, and promote, safe bushwalking and associated activities ...".

The founders envisaged an informal, friendly club catering for all walkers from inexperienced to hard-core. They aimed to provide a supportive introduction to the Tasmanian bush. The club continues to follow these founding principles.




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Have lots of Fun

Explore Tasmania






Staying COVID Safe when Participating in Club Activities

The Pandani Committee encourages members to manage the ongoing risk of COVID when participating in club activities by key behaviors. The behaviours are a recommendation of the Tasmanian Government to assist in the protection of all Tasmanians. More information is provided in the member area.


For up-to-date information and advice on coronavirus visit


National parks and reserves are mostly open to the public, this includes campgrounds and visitor centres. Visit for details. 


• • • Flash walks - Continue to be advertised on the Facebook page.

Pandani Bushwalking Club Committee